Video Spokesperson Service to help you grow. advance. succeed.

Bring your Website to Life with Video Spokesperson. As the owner of an online business, it’s imperative that your website is always inviting and is set up to maximize the sales potential of all visitors to your online store.

That being said…what better way to make your customers feel comfortable shopping than someone to greet them as they arrive at your website?

Your business is our business.

Video Spokesperson

MBV has just partnered with the industry leader that provides website owners with a spokesperson for their very own website!

Wouldn’t you love to have something like this working for you on your website, customized with your specific message, business name and your specific greeting? Well now you can!

You work hard to get people to visit your site, why would you allow your site to lose customers by not making it as shopper friendly and inviting as possible?

Contact us today to find out how you can add this outstanding feature to your website today!


MBV Advantages

Welcome Clients

Video greeter with a custom message

Offer Verbal Discounts

Hi-tech talking video presenter can offer deals

Personalize Your Site

Make your site pop over your competitors

Announce Discounts

Grab your customers attention immediately

24 hour support

24/7 customer service and help desk

Low Cost Investment

Affordable hi-tech solution for your website