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View Our Logo Samples

View samples of our Professional Logo design currently used by MBV clients.

What Makes a Good Logo?

Click to learn what it takes to make a Professional Logo Design.



1. Use A Professional
There are certain times in a business where it is wise to leave it to the professionals.  This is one of those times.  Creative designers have a knack for creating interesting and dynamic logo designs and will be able to portray the correct image for your company.  Creating the wrong logo can be a disaster for a company and cost tons of money in rebranding if the logo does not meet your companies needs.  Always use a professional to assist you in the creation of your logo.  We have created 1000’s of logos and you can see from our work, you will be very satisfied with the finished product.

2. Simple & Clean
Less is more when it comes to logo design. An over-complicated design or a symbol cluttered with layers will be hard to duplicate and may not be as memorable. Good logos look fresh and simple. Another thing to consider when creating a logo is the number of colors included. The more colors you have in your logo the more expensive it gets to print. A nice rule of thumb is to keep a logo to two or three colors (including black as one of the colors).

3. Easy to Remember
Customers don’t have much time. You want to provide them with an easy-to-remember, unique symbol to help them quickly associate with your business.

4. Not Trendy
Once you decide on a logo, you shouldn’t change it. It should be able to stand the test of time for the duration of your company. So it is a good idea to stay clear of those design choices that may be fleeting -- like the 1980’s neon madness.

5. Versatile 
You will need a logo that looks good in black & white as well as color. Additionally, you will want a logo that can be easily printed on anything – t-shirts, mugs, vehicles, trophies, business cards – you name it. Of course, you may not need those things for your business, however, it is better to leave your options open. Avoid lengthy horizontal logos, which can be difficult to fit on various projects. This type of logo can leave you constantly frustrated.

6. Fitting & Appropriate
Think about your business-type and industry. Create a logo that is appropriate within those areas. For instance, if you are in the finance business, you will want to have a conservative and professional feel to your logo. If you are a professional clown, obviously you can go in the more playful direction. A nice way to determine what is appropriate for you business is to research what some of your competitors' logos look like.

7. Avoid Clip Art Where Possible
It might feel like the right thing to do, but clip art is rarely the right direction to take when creating a logo. Why? It can look hokey, cheap and careless. You want your business to convey the exact opposite of those things. This is important to keep in mind and the main reason why it is important to have a professional create your logo.  Your logo is what builds brand recognition and trying to save a few bucks to create one on your own or with a fly by night company and you could set your business up poor recognition and not looking professional.

Order Your Custom Logo

Order your custom logo today and take your business to the next level.


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Make your Mark with a Stylish Logo

Statistics show that a stylish and current graphic logo sets businesses apart from the others. Look at Target & Wal-Mart for example.


  • To Look Larger and Established
  • To Brand Yourself
  • To Convey you are Reputable
  • To Stimulate Clients
  • To Be More Memorable
  • To Stand Out


"I would like to thank the great people who helped create our logo.  It was way better than anything we could of hoped for and we are sure to use you for any further logos we may need as we launch new businesses!"

-Kurt H of MBV University